

In accordance with the instructions of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Tokayev, work is underway to centralize the purchase of medical equipment on the basis of the Single Distributor.

For the purpose of high-quality treatment of patients and the creation of favorable conditions for equipping medical institutions with modern diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic equipment, the Single Distributor analyzed the world practice for the procurement of medical equipment, including centralized ones. Thus, the experience of advanced countries, in particular the United States, Malaysia, the United Arab Emirates, Korea, Australia, the countries of the European Union, and Japan, has been studied.

World procurement practice shows that centralized procurement, as an important social function in the world, is carried out, as a rule, by organizations that are part of or associated with authorized bodies in the healthcare sector. In Argentina, India, New Zealand, Estonia, centralized procurement at the state level is carried out by the Ministry of Health. In the reference models, which are similar to the Republic of Kazakhstan in a number of important criteria, centralized procurement is carried out by government agencies or procurement agencies that are subordinate to them.

The analysis notes the positive experience of Moscow in the procurement of medical equipment, in particular, the use of the mechanism of life cycle contracts. The Single Distributor shows great interest in studying the experience of Moscow in the procurement of medical equipment by concluding life cycle contracts, as well as in obtaining methodological assistance on this issue.

In this regard, in order to study the experience of supplying medical equipment under life cycle contracts, a meeting was held by Moscow Vice Mayor Anastasia Rakova and with specialists from SAI Gormedtechnika.

Also, a visit was organized to medical organizations equipped under a life cycle contract, a service center that provides support for the supplied equipment, and localized production of medical equipment.

Moscow has been concluding life cycle contracts in the healthcare sector since the end of 2019. The mechanism turned out to be in great demand among manufacturers of medical equipment, and in less than two years more than 100 contracts worth more than 80 billion rubles were signed with them. Only this year, according to the results of tenders, 45 contracts were concluded for a total of 23.1 billion rubles. According to them, more than 600 units of the latest models of medical equipment will be delivered to Moscow medical institutions.

Suppliers, in turn, have not only the technical capabilities to produce the equipment needed by the city, but also relevant experience in service. This is important when entering into life cycle contracts, since they assume that companies will ensure the performance of the equipment during the entire service life - in this case, 10-12 years. Such a public procurement mechanism allows medical institutions to use the devices more efficiently, and the city to optimize the cost of repair and maintenance of the procured equipment.

Manufacturers ensure the utilization of their production capacities, and also receive stable income during the entire period of the contract, subject to the conscientious fulfillment of its conditions thanks to life cycle contracts concluded with Moscow. In addition, suppliers can improve their technology, as it is often necessary to upgrade equipment to meet customer requirements.

Along with this, to study the experience of localizing the production of medical equipment, representatives of the Single Distributor visited the factories of Philips and General Electric Healthcare.

During the visit, Moscow colleagues shared their experience in localizing the production of medical equipment and participation in PPP projects in Russia, including those under life cycle contracts for the needs of healthcare organizations in Moscow.

The world's leading manufacturers of medical equipment Philips and General Electric Healthcare have localized the production of medical equipment, which has significantly reduced the time and cost of supplying modern high-tech equipment to Moscow medical institutions. Manufacturers note that all equipment assembled in Russia fully complies with the quality standards of their imported counterparts.

General Electric Healthcare has a successful experience in the localized production of ultrasound machines and computed tomographs at the Moscow region plant of MTL JSC. Work on the localization of production began in 2009, 5 models of ultrasound machines and 2 CT scanners were localized. In total, 1,300 ultrasound devices and 500 computed tomographs manufactured by MTL JSC were delivered to the Russian Federation. Localization is carried out to satisfy the domestic market of the Russian Federation.

Philips has been cooperating with CJSC Rentgenprom, on the basis of which, since the summer of 2017, it has been producing Affiniti ultrasound systems and Ingenuity and MX16 computed tomography devices, as well as magnetic resonance imaging.

The parties also discussed problematic issues of medical equipment, equipment planning, efficient use of medical equipment, training of specialists (medical and technical personnel of healthcare organizations), improvement of service maintenance and repair.


SAI Gormedtekhnika is a state autonomous institution of Moscow Gormedtekhnika of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow". It provides a full range of services to maintain and restore the health of medical equipment. Putting equipment into operation.

Philips is a Dutch multinational company. The company was founded in 1891 and has changed its priority direction several times over its history: initially producing light bulbs, then switching to consumer electronics, after the 2000s it began to specialize in medical diagnostic equipment.

General Electric is an American diversified corporation that manufactures many types of equipment, including locomotives, power plants (including nuclear reactors), gas turbines, aircraft engines, medical equipment, photographic equipment, household and lighting equipment, plastics and sealants, as well as a wide range of range of military products, from small arms and armored vehicles to military space systems and nuclear warheads.

Source: Press Service of SK-Pharmacy LLP
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